Why choose Indigenous Employment Australia?

Advertising Rates
See our pricing for job listings including discounts offered for bulk orders. We also offer a concierge service to assist you with posting job listings whenever you need.
Key Statistics
Sharing key statistics and insights around workforce and employment participation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.

How IEA Works for Employers

Search the Job Board
Easily sign up and create an account for your company. Create a basic company profile and even invite other staff members to join your company.
Want more of a presence online?
Add a premium profile option to customise the experience of your potential future employees.

Post a job listing
The standard cost to advertise an opportunity for one month is only $177 (incl GST).
Simply fill in the job listing form, our unique features and technology will assist you, like automatically suggesting accurate job titles and essential skills from the ANZSCO database, saving you time and improving the effectiveness of your listing.

Review your applications
Content regarding external or internal application reviews and notifications. Content regarding external or internal application reviews and notifications.